To model the transport mechanism in polysilicon correctly, an appropriate diffusion model for polysilicon has to be designed. For general polysilicon layers it is not possible to account for the exact microstructure of the grains and grain boundaries. The most popular approach for polysilicon material is to split up the available dopants into a grain interior concentration and grain boundary concentration . To evaluate the grain boundary concentration it is necessary to use a simplified model of the microstructure of the polysilicon grain boundaries. The grain boundaries which are assumed to be two-dimensional interfaces with a certain area density of free states are expanded to a volumnar concentration by scaling with the local grain size. Therefore, the grain boundary concentration reads , where is the area dopant density within the grain boundary, r the local grain size. Due to this homogenization the detailed grain boundary information, which is practically not available for simulation purposes, vanishes. The remaining grain interior concentration is than given by subtraction of from the available total dopant concentration (4.3-50).
As the polysilicon layers are excessively doped clustering occurs in the grain bulks. Therefore, we calculate the active and mobile part of the dopant species with a static clustering model (4.3-51), where is the solubility limit for the dopant species and is a fitting parameter related to the cluster size.
Using the static clustering approach implies the assumption that dopants can be delivered fast enough from the grain interior regions into the grain boundaries so that no temporary leak of dopants occurs in the grain boundaries.
With the diffusion mechanisms described in the previous section we can define the dopant diffusion flux for the grain boundaries and for the grain bulks as given by (4.3-52) and (4.3-53), respectively.
The electric field in the grain interior regions is depicted in (4.3-54). The fast diffusion in the grain boundaries is captured by the corresponding first term of (4.3-52) in combination with the extensively high diffusivity , where the second term denotes the dopant flux caused by the grain growth. The prefactor is a tensor which acts as weighting factor for the diffusion flux. This weighting factor is calculated from a combination of local grain size, grain main axis orientation and lateral to vertical grain size aspect ratio to model the anisotropic diffusion behavior of polysilicon.
The segregation kinetics between grain interiors and grain boundaries is accounted for by the generation/recombination factor given by (4.3-55).
The exchange of dopants is modeled by means of a trapping factor t and an emission factor e, where denotes the maximum number of free states in the grain boundary. If the grain boundary is not filled with dopants, active dopants from the grain interior are delivered, whereas dopants diffuse into the grain interiors if the maximum number of free states in the grain boundary has been exceeded. This mechanism is also able to capture temporary grain boundary saturation effects.
A full description of the polysilicon model including the dynamic grain growth behavior (see section polysilicon grain growth) for a given dopant reads:
After implantation of the dopant into the polysilicon material only a small portion resides at grain boundaries, where the major part rests at interstitial sites within the grains. represents the total area which is covered by grain boundaries, hence, it depends on the initial grain size and the grain boundary thickness by . It appears from simulations that is not a critical parameter, because after a few seconds the grain boundaries are fully occupied due to their unique energetic properties for hosting dopant atoms .