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3.2.9 Direct Generation/Recombination

In semiconductors with a direct band gap such as GaAs, InAs, InP, and GaN and the corresponding direct ternary compounds, direct generation/recombination is very important. This has also been confirmed by numerous optical experiments for HEMTs. The effect is modeled using the following term:

    $\displaystyle R^{DIR} = C^{DIR} \cdot ( n \cdot p - n_i^2)$ (3.60)

Values for $ C^{DIR}$ are compiled in Table 3.24.

Table 3.24: Model parameters for direct recombination at $ T_L$= 300 K.
Material Composition $ C^{DIR}$ References
    [cm$ ^3$/s]  
GaAs - 1.1e-10 [284]
  - 7.2e-10 [40,300]
  - 1.5e-10 [278]
  - 2e-10 [7]
InAs - 2.1e-11 [294]
    8.5e-11 [300]
InP - 1.26e-9 [300]
  - 2e-10 [7]
GaP - 3.0e-15 [294]
    5.4e-14 [159]
GaN - 6.6e-10 [224]
Si - 1.1e-14 [101]
  - 1.8e-15 [159]
Al$ _{x}$Ga$ _{1-x}$As 0.38 1.4e-10 [8]
In$ _{x}$Ga$ _{1-x}$As 0.53 4e-10 [123]
In$ _{x}$Al$ _{1-x}$As 0.52 1.4e-10 -
In$ _{x}$Ga$ _{1-x}$P 0.5 5e-11 [272]

As several publications have shown [7], the lifetime in AlGaAs is dominated by SRH recombination. For InGaAs the data to determine $ C^{DIR}$ is taken from [123]. For InAlAs no experimental data was found, so data from the similar AlGaAs is assumed. For the indirect semiconductor Si and GaP the radiative recombination is relatively more inefficient.

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