A.1.1 The Field Effect
A. VLSI Technology
A. VLSI Technology
A.1 MOS Transistors
A.1.1 The Field Effect Transistor
A.1.2 The Concrete MOSFET (I): Long-Channel Transistors
A.1.2.1 Strong Inversion
A.1.2.2 Subthreshold Current
A.1.2.3 Moderate Inversion
A.1.2.4 Speed and Scaling
A.1.3 The Concrete MOSFET (II): Sub-Micron Transistors
A.1.3.1 Sub-Micron MOSFET Structures and Technology Scaling
A.1.3.2 Spurious Effects in Sub-Micron MOSFETs
G. Schrom