In summary, within the scope of SiC oxidation, the following research goals have been achieved:
1. A full set of dry SiC oxidation growth rate coefficients for the \((0001)\) Si-, \((11\bar{2}0)\) a-, \((1\bar{1}00)\) m-, and \((000\bar{1})\) C-face has been obtained, which enables high-accuracy simulations of SiC oxidation [72].
2. A novel 3D interpolation method to compute oxidation growth rate coefficients for arbitrary crystal direction has been developed and calibrated. The direction-dependent interpolation method captures oxidation anisotropy of SiC and thus enables the simulation of SiC oxidation for arbitrary crystal orientations and device structures [73].
3. The initial SiC oxidation stages (in the regime of ns) have been investigated in order to extend the understanding of the orientation-dependent oxidation mechanisms and to better estimate initial (i.e., native) oxide thicknesses from first principles simulations [77].