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- 2.1. Box with six neighbors
- 2.2. Splitting of interface points: Interface points as given in a) are
split into three different points having the same geometrical coordinates b)
- 2.3. The complete equations are a combination of the boundary and the
segment system. This combination is controlled by the transformation matrix and
depends on the interface type. In the upper figure, the case for
Dirichlet boundary conditions including substitute equations is
shown, in the lower figure for all other cases.
- 2.4. Comparison of transient and frequency-domain-based approaches
[233]. The dashed rectangles of the
symbolize complex-valued equation systems, the other real-valued ones.
- 2.5. These figures [160] show a standard -type small-signal equivalent circuit
of a HEMT (left) and a T-type eight-element small-signal equivalent circuit of an HBT. The dashed
rectangles denote the intrinsic devices, the terminal resistances can be additionally
included in the simulation.
- 2.6. Comparison of small-signal and large-signal simulations. In the case of
too high RF power, harmonics are generated within the non-linear
devices. These additional voltage and current vectors cannot be taken into
account by linearized small-signal approximations [45].
- 3.1. Voltages and currents of a two-port device/network.
- 3.2. Traveling waves at a two-port device/network.
- 3.3. Definition of S-parameters.
- 3.4. Complete
curve of a bipolar junction transistor (left). Slope of
the absolute value of the short circuit current gain and the cut-off frequency
at the unity gain point at
mA (right).
- 3.5. Overview of the MINIMOS-NT small-signal capabilities.
- 3.6. Simple diode structure under investigation. The boron concentration
in the p-doped half on the left is
to the phosphorus concentration in the n-doped part of the diode.
- 3.7. The left figure shows the results of the transient simulations
for the three amplitudes mV, mV, and V. The small
figures depict the results of the Fast Fourier Transformation of the respective cathode currents.
- 3.8. The upper left figure compares the small-signal results of MINIMOS-NT and
DESSIS. The other three figures compare the small-signal results of MINIMOS-NT
with its transient results: In the upper right figure the capacitance versus
the frequency is shown. The argument versus the frequency is given in the lower
left figure. In both figures, different number of periods (P) and number of
steps per period (S) are compared. Finally, the dependence of the relative
errors and the time scaled to the small-signal result (time ratio) on the
number of transient steps is illustrated in the lower right figure. The number
of periods is , the frequency is 1MHz and the transient data is compared
with the small-signal results. The trade-off between the reduction of the
relative errors and the increasing computational effort can be clearly seen.
- 3.9. These figures analyze the effort for the extraction of
by conditional stepping. On the left side, two different sets of lower and
upper boundaries are compared for an error value of . Whereas for the
wide boundaries of 10GHz and 100GHz 24 steps are required, the narrow
boundaries of 30GHz and 40GHz reduce this effort down to five steps. On
the right side, the number of steps depending on the narrowness of the
boundaries for different errors are shown.
- 3.10. In the left figure, the three transport models are compared with
quasi-static simulation results of MINIMOS-NT as well as with Monte Carlo data. The
right figure shows the cut-off frequency depending on the gate voltage. Whereas
for larger devices, the difference is again minimal, the superiority of the
six moments transport model for smaller devices can be clearly seen.
- 3.11. Part of the investigated device structure with a depth of 1m.
- 3.12. Gate drain capacitance versus gate voltage at
comparison of simulation results of MINIMOS-NT and DESSIS.
- 3.13. Two-Port parasitic equivalent circuit.
- 3.14. Results of mixed-mode AC simulations with compact models only: the resonant
circuit on the left side and the band rejection filter on the right side.
- 4.1. All equations marked for pre-elimination (*) are moved to the outer
system matrix, the others remain in the inner one [65,228].
- 4.2. On the left the completely compiled system matrix of a discretized
two-dimensional MOS transistor structure assembled by MINIMOS-NT is shown. The
magnitude of the entries are encoded by the colors according to the legend in
the right. Some regions with problematic equations are indicated by red dashed
rectangles. After the pre-elimination, the inner system matrix (right) does not
contain the problematic equations any more. The dimension is not significantly
reduced since the majority of equations is not affected.
- 4.3. In comparison to the pre-eliminated structure, the reordering algorithm
significantly reduces the bandwidth from 2,867 to 102 in order to reduce the
factorization fill-in (left). The circle indicates the range of the cut-out of
the scaled matrix shown in the right figure. The scaled inner system matrix has diagonal
entries equal unity, which is demonstrated by the red color. Since only the
values are changed, no structural difference can be seen in comparison to the
sorted matrix.
- 4.4. Schematic assembly overview.
- 4.5. Former (left), refined (center), and final (right) administrative
- 4.6. Transformations involved if three segments share one physical grid point.
- 4.7. Graphical representation of the multiple transfer problem.
- 4.8. Comparison of the one-phase (upper) and four-phases (lower)
approach. In the latter case the implementation of the simulator is much more
complicated as the assembly module requires a specific assembling
sequence. Whereas in the one-phase approach the loop over all models is
processed only once, it has to be processed four times in the four-phases
approach. In addition it is necessary to call specific preparation functions
and each model implementation has to take the current phase into account, which
leads to complicated codes.
- 5.1. Schematic overview of the linear modules [230].
- 5.2. The hierarchical concept [65,228].
- 5.3. Concept of single- (left) and multi-threaded (right) stepping algorithm.
Whereas the former calculates all 55 steps subsequently, the latter
uses five processes to calculates eleven steps each.
- 5.4. Comparison of a canonical shared memory (left) and message passing non-shared
memory (right) architectures [34].
- 5.5. User time, number of operations (left), and memory consumption ratios (right)
depending on the GMRES(M) restart factor for the two-dimensional (above),
three-dimensional (center), and mixed-mode simulations (below).
- 5.6. Solving times (average, minimum, maximum) on the Intel computer. All times are scaled to the
in-house ILU-BICGSTAB in the center.
- 5.7. In the left figure, the relative PARDISO real/wall clock times (average,
minimum, maximum) versus the number of processors/threads on the IBM
cluster. The user time in the right figure increases due to the
parallelization overhead.
- 5.8. Scaled results for the six moments transport models (upper figure). The
lower figures show scaled results for the energy-transport (left) and the
drift-diffusion (right) transport models.
- 6.1. Simulated device structure together with pad parasitics
used for S-parameter calculation [161].
- 6.2. Comparison of simulated and measured AC collector current i
AC input power
(left). Comparison of simulated and measured AC output power
AC input power
- 6.3. S-parameters in a combined Smith/polar chart with a radius of one from MHz to GHz at
kA/cm (upper left),
kA/cm (upper right), and
kA/cm (lower
left). In the lower right figure the short-circuit current gain and matched gain
versus frequency at
kA/cm is shown.
- 6.4. Active antimony concentration of the investigated SiGe Heterojunction
Bipolar Transistor (large device).
- 6.5. Comparison of simulated and measured forward
Gummel plots at
- 6.6. The figures compare S-parameters in a combined Smith/polar chart with a radius of one from MHz to
GHz at
V for
kA/cm (left) and
kA/cm (right) for a
large device structure and a small one embedded in a circuit.
- 6.7. The cut-off frequency
collector current
V (left) and the short-circuit current
gain versus frequency (right) is depicted [233].
- 6.8. On the left, the cross section of a MESFET in SiC is shown and on the
right a comparison of measured and simulated DC IV characteristics [12].
- 6.9. Comparison of measured and simulated S-parameters in a combined Smith/polar chart with a radius of one (left).
Small-signal current and power gain (right) [12].
- 6.10. The three subcircuits which are used in the example circuits are shown on the
left side. They are parts of the three circuits depicted on the right
- 6.11. Result of transient simulation of the amplifier circuit with
mV and GHz [231].
- 6.12. Results of small-signal simulations of the resonant circuit: absolute
value (left) and argument (right). The results are compared with ADS
simulations using a VBIC95 model of a similar transistor
- 6.13. Result of the transient simulation of the oscillator: output
in the initial phase (left) and in the state of equilibrium
(right) [231].
- 6.14. Structure of the simulated double-gate MOSFET devices. The gate
length is varied from 250nm down to 25nm [83].
- 6.15. These four figures show the increasing errors of the macroscopic
transport models with decreasing gate lengths. Whereas at
250nm in
the upper left figure the difference of the drain currents is minimal, it can
be clearly seen that for
nm the six moments transport model delivers
the best results. However, for extremely small gate length, it loses its
advantages and even more moments would be necessary. Note that the
drift-diffusion model results in terminal quantities which underestimates the
Monte Carlo results.
- 6.16. These four figures show the cut-off frequency versus the drain
current and the much higher sensitivity of that small-signal figure of merit is
- C.1. SEILIB class diagram.
- C.2. Class diagram of the MINIMOS-NT test system based on the SEILIB library.
- C.3. Class diagram of the SEILIB optimization system.
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S. Wagner: Small-Signal Device and Circuit Simulation