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Previous: D Integration of Fermi
E Fermi's Golden Rule
The time dependent Schrödinger Equation can be written as
where H1 is a small perturbation to the Hamiltonian H0. The solution
of the unperturbed case is
The eigenvalues are
and the orthonormal eigenfunctions are
Under the assumption that the perturbation H1 is small, the wave function
for the perturbed case can be expanded in a series of the orthonormal
wave functions of the unperturbed case [29].
Inserting (E.3) into the time dependent
Schrödinger equation (E.1), and using
(E.2) gives
If this is multiplied by
and integrated
over the volume one obtains
since orthonormality makes
which vanishes for
and equals unity for m=n. With the definitions
one can write (E.5) as
In general, when the perturbation is turned on at t=0, it may be assumed
that the system is in state m at t=0, and cm(0)=1, while cn(0)=0for all other states. Furthermore, it is assumed that the scattering out of the
initial state is small, so that cm(t)=1 for all time. This assumption
neglects the conservation of particles.
Considering these assumptions, one
can solve (E.8).
The probability of occupying state n is then
For times
which are long enough such that the scattering
process has been completed, the function
has the property of a
-function (see Fig. E.1).
The function
has the
property of a
The transition probability per unit time, the
transmission rate, is then
given by the so called Fermi Golden Rule
This means that a scattering process, in our case a tunnel event, only takes
place if the energy of the particle is conserved, Em = En.
Next: F Second Order Co
Up: Dissertation Christoph Wasshuber
Previous: D Integration of Fermi
Christoph Wasshuber