It is essential for a three-dimensional simulation of semiconductor
processing steps to be able to deal with non-planar surfaces which
describe the complex geometries of modern devices.
The simulation of etching and deposition models
the changes in the topography of the surface of the wafer.
The Level Set Method is a very convenient method for dealing with
the calculation of these surfaces.
In order for the simulation to be as useful as possible, the integration of the topography
simulation into a complete process simulation flow is very important.
This enables the use of the output of the topography simulation as
the input for other process or device simulations.
It also enables a better understanding of the process,
since established visualization tools can be utilized.
TOPO3D-II is a topography simulator with a Level Set Method kernel that
has been integrated into our process simulation flow.
This integration has been accomplished by using tetrahedron-based
representations for input and output, which, as already mentioned above,
enables the compatibility with our other simulations.
In TOPO3D-II it is also possible to integrate physical evaluations,
which makes the simulation more realistic and better
adapted for the individual cases at hand.
The following was accomplished most recently:
- Enhancement of TOPO3D-II to handle more complex geometries.
- Speed improvements.
- Development of several physical evaluation models.
- Improvement of the pre- and post- processing in TOPO3D-II.
Currently the development focuses on a three-dimensional physical
evaluation model for sacrificial etching.
It has to be modeled differently from traditional etch processes, since the
access of the etch agent to the etched sacrificial layer varies
greatly, hence a new model is needed.