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Predictive and Efficient Modeling of Hot Carrier Degradation with Drift-Diffusion Based Carrier Transport Models

6.3 Hasnat Model

Hasnat et al. replaced the local electric field in Cassi’s expression by a function of carrier temperature to capture the non-local behavior [34]:

(6.3) \begin{equation} f(\varepsilon )=A\exp \left (-\epsilon ^{\xi }/(\eta (k_{\mathrm {B}}T_{n})^{\nu })\right ),\label {eq:Hasnat} \end{equation}

where \( \xi \), \( \eta \), and \( \nu \) are fitting parameters. Figure 6.3 shows the DFs obtained using Equation 6.3 for different regions of the device. The DFs in the channel and the drain sections are similar to the Maxwellian, see Figure 6.1, while for the bird’s beak region, the carrier energies calculated with the Hasnat model extend up to 5.5 eV and beyond.


Figure 6.3: Same as Figure 6.1 but for the Hasnat model.