- Objects with symmetries used in CAE
- A sketch of a bridge with similarities
- Re-construction of objects with symmetries
- Symmetric geometry and exemplary non-symmetric mesh
- Templated meshes
- Multi-region geometry
- Implicit geometries
- Reconstruction process of a boundary representation
- Reconstruction process of a multi-region boundary representation
- CSG set operations of two sets
- CSG tree
- Mesh intersection
- 2D multi-region mesh
- Respect property
- Inballs for a rectangle, for a triangle, and for a tetrahedron
- Delaunay property
- Constrained Delaunay property
- Mesh data structure layout
- Advancing front mesh generation
- Delaunay refinement mesh generation
- Overlaying grid mesh generation
- Edge flipping operation for triangles
- Laplacian smoothing
- 2D simplex refinement
- Instancing
- Decomposition of a multi-region mesh
- Templated mesh
- Templated structure with non-conforming structure instance
- Non-trivial interface of a template with itself
- Instance graph
- Indirect neighbors
- Template boundary mapping
- Composition of template boundary mappings
- Boundary patch partition
- Issues due to boundary template mapping incompatibility
- Issues with the Delaunay property of templated meshes
- Templated mesh stored with and without SVB
- Eliminating non-conformities by vertex merging
- Vertex merging fails to fix all non-conformities
- Eliminating vertex-in-facet non-conformities
- Non-conformity induced by a line-line intersection
- Templated mesh generation using surface meshes
- Non-locality of operations in the structure instance
- Conformity issues with operations performed on template boundaries
- The template cloning operation
- The template splitting operation
- Combination of template splitting and cloning
- Examples of vertices which cannot be moved
- Valid vertex movements visualized using the boundary patch partition
- Issues with element flips across instances
- Vertex insertion in the interior of a template
- Conformity issues with insertion of multiple vertices
- A templated mesh is made template-aware Delaunay
- The ping-pong encroachment effect near small angles
- Two different templated meshes with same structure instance
- Boundary dependencies in a templated geometry
- Grid slicing decomposition
- Reflective symmetry
- Boundary patch partition of a set with reflective symmetry
- A slice of a set with a rotational symmetry
- Boundary patch partition of a set with rotational symmetry
- Boundary patch partition of a multi-region geometry with rotational symmetry
- Examples for possible slice positions
- Piecewise linear slice starting angle
- Issues with small angles
- Small angle optimization for rotational symmetries
- Small angle optimization for high rotational symmetry orders .
- Combination of reflective symmetries
- Combination of reflective and rotational symmetries
- Benchmark objects with reflective symmetries and their templates
- Benchmark results for objects with reflective symmetries
- Memory benchmark results of structure instance
- Element qualities
- Element quality issues due to sharp angles in the 2D aircraft geometry
- Benchmark objects with rotational symmetries
- Benchmark results for the 2D -polygon
- Smallest angle quality histograms for -polygon benchmarks
- Quality comparison of meshes generated for a -polygon
- Benchmark results for the 3D open TSV structure
- Benchmark objects with similarities
- Benchmark results for the 2D bridge beam construction
- Benchmark results for the multiple open TSV structure
- The Gummel Star with non-symmetric boundary conditions
- Non-symmetric and symmetric example meshes of the Gummel Star
- All rotations of the non-symmetric Gummel Star boundaries
- Memory benchmark results including the FEM system matrix
- Memory benchmark results using the templated CSR matrix
- Runtime benchmark results for templated CSR matrix-vector product
- Connected property of sets
- Element faces are not minimal
- Affine and convex hull
- Simplices
- Faces
- Non-simplex elements
- The intersection of manifolds is not a manifold