First and foremost I want to thank Prof. Tibor Grasser and Dr. Michael Nelhiebel for supervising and supporting me during the entire three years of my PhD thesis. Thank you for all our fruitful discussions, for paper reviewing and for motivation.
I am also very grateful to my colleagues BSc. Schascha Einspieler, DI Gregor Pobegen and DI Stefan Puchner who supported me with measurements and discussions during their internships, master and PhD thesis at KAI.
I thank Prof. Herbert Grünbacher and Dr. Thomas Detzel for giving me the opportunity to join KAI, for providing me an excellent infrastructure and measurement equipment in the lab, and for the great industrial and academic network represented by KAI, Infineon and the TU Vienna.
Last but not least I want to thank all members of my family for financial and mental support. Many thanks, in particular, to my mother and my girlfriend who have always been taking care for me, provided me love and gave me a home.