In the previous section it has been demonstrated that the recovery rate is independent of the hydrogen budget within the gate oxide. This is a strong indication that the oxygen vacancy is the responsible precursor for . The following subsections study the time
evolution and the energetic distribution of recoverable and quasi-permanent damage. Experiments are performed on selected hydrogen split wafers.
In this subsection, the energetic distribution and dynamics of the recoverable component is investigated in detail for three selected split wafers with different power-metalization and hydrogen budget within the gate oxide [186]. The applied technique is the ‘incremental sweep technique’ demonstrated in Subsection 6.3.3 [174].
During BEOL processing, titanium layers of different thicknesses were incorporated below the metalization in order to control the hydrogen diffusion from the upper hydrogen rich SNIT layer toward the gate oxide during fabrication. Titanium is known to be an effective barrier against hydrogen diffusion [187]. Hence, it is assumed that wafers with thick titanium barriers have less hydrogen within the gate oxide than wafers with thin titanium barriers. In this study three selected split wafers which provide vastly (about an order of magnitude) different hydrogen concentrations within the gate oxide are analyzed. This is demonstrated in Fig. 7.4 by the considerably different virgin CP characteristics.
Figure 7.4: CP currents of the selected split wafers measured before stress at -60 °C. CP setup: =
= 1
; rising/falling slopes
. (a) Wafer
(SM6P/30/H1) has a thin titanium bar-
rier and a standard power-metalization (PM 1). (b) Wafer
(SM6P/30/H2) has a similar thin tita-
nium barrier as wafer
but a different power-metalization (PM
2). (c) Wafer
(SM6P/30/H3) has a thick titanium bar-
rier and a standard power-metalization (PM 1). Wafer
and Wafer
have initially a much lower CP signal
than Wafer
, suggesting a better passivated interface.
Wafer (SM6P/30/H1) and wafer
(SM6P/30/H2) are supposed to have a
well passivated interface (thin Ti liner
much hydrogen
low CP signal) while wafer
(SM6P/30/H3) has a weakly passivated
interface (thick Ti liner
few hydrogen
high CP signal). In the following, different PMOS devices of the
selected split wafers were stressed for 10/100/1,000/10,000
at 125 °C.
After each stress run, degradation was quenched to -60 °C and the devices were analyzed using the ‘incremental sweep’ technique, cf. Subsection 6.3.3. The outcome includes (i) the time dependent recovery rates within the first 100 (
) after the termination of stress, (ii) the
recoverable oxide trap profiles extracted from the incremental sweep (
), (iii) the
shifts (
) and (iv) the
CP currents measured at the end of each characterization run (
). The results are illustrated for
increasing stress times in Fig. 7.5.
Figure 7.5: (a) Recoverable oxide trap profiles () of the selected split wafers
recorded after different stress times. All samples show two peaks of similar amplitude and shape; the first is located close to midgap and almost fully developed after ten seconds of stress; the second is located in the upper half of the
silicon bandgap and develops gradually as a function of stress time. (b) The recovery rates (
) of the selected split wafers recorded within
the 100
constant gate bias phase (-1.5
) directly post stress. All samples show similar time dependent recovery
rates of approximately
. (c1) The quasi-permanent
shift (
) and (c2) the
increase in CP current (
) of all samples as a function of
stress time. Wafer
shows a considerable higher quasi-permanent
shift than
. The CP currents in (c2) correlate with
the quasi-permanent
shifts in (c1) by a universal multiplica-
tive factor.
show a power-law-like increase
with stress time (fit lines), wafer
having a larger power-law exponent than
and wafer
= 0.27;
= 0.25;
= 0.19).
The effective density of state profiles of all split wafers are illustrated in Fig. 7.5 (a). All samples show very similar
recoverable DOS profiles indicating that the trap precursor is actually independent of hydrogen, consistent with the results gained from the alternative wafer split discussed in Section 7.1. The measured recovery rates during the first 100 constant gate bias phase are illustrated in
Fig. 7.5 (b). In agreement with the DOS profiles, all samples show similar recovery rates of
which slightly
increase with stress time. On closer inspection of the energetic profile (
) two characteristic
peaks emerge; the first one is located near midgap and is almost fully developed after ten seconds of stress; the second one is located in the upper half of the silicon bandgap and develops gradually with further increasing stress times.
The quasi-permanent
shifts (
; measured for
directly after the sweep procedure at -1.5
) and the increase in the CP current (
; measured directly after
by gate
pulsing) are illustrated in Fig. 7.5 (c1) and (c2) as a function of the stress time.
correlate by a multiplicative
factor consistent with previous results. The quasi-permanent damage is considerably larger for wafer
(well passivated interface) than for
(weakly passivated interface) indicating
that both components are directly linked to each other and to hydrogen. An exception is found in wafer
(equipped with a different
power-metalization PM 2) which has a similar ‘zero hour’ CP signal as wafer
(cf. Fig. 7.4) and hence a comparably passivated interface but shows considerably less quasi-permanent damage. Except for the metalization,
was identically fabricated as wafer
. The quasi-permanent damage follows a
power-law-like increase for all tested structures, the value of the exponent, however, increases proportionally to the hydrogen budget within the gate oxide.
In this subsection the density of state profiles of recoverable oxide traps was analyzed by making use of the ‘incremental sweep’ technique. In particular, two peaks located energetically in the middle and in the upper half of the
silicon bandgap were investigated. By comparing three PMOS devices taken from selected split wafers, recovery was found to be independent of the hydrogen budget and the metalization process while the increase in the CP current
and the quasi-permanent shift is strongly connected to the BEOL
Two selected hydrogen split wafers (wafer (SM6P/30/H1) and wafer
(SM6P/30/H3)) were subjected to a
particularly designed experimental procedure in order to separate time and bias dependent recoverable damage from apparently quasi-permanent degradation, which is assumed to consist of interface states and locked-in oxide charges,
cf. Fig. 6.27. Wafer
has a thin Ti barrier and hence a lot of
hydrogen within the gate oxide while wafer
has a thick Ti barrier and hence a worse
passivated interface. This is demonstrated by the considerably different initial CP currents and the different hydrogen signals detected with TOFSIMS, cf. Fig. 7.6 (a), and (b), respectively. Both wafers were fabricated with a standard power-metalization (PM 1).
The TOFSIMS image in Fig. 7.6 (b) shows the sub-metal BEOL layer stack of the two selected split wafers. Displayed
are the oxygen and the titanium signals for the orientation within the BEOL stack. Underneath the Ti liners considerably different hydrogen concentrations are measured for wafer and
in the post metal dielectric (PMD), the
gate-poly and the gate oxide (GOX). In perfect agreement with the TOFSIMS results we obtain in Fig. 7.6 (a) that the
initial CP signal of wafer
) is about 30 times lower than the ‘zero hour’ CP signal of wafer
). This is consistent with the assumption that the interface of wafer
= 2.3
) is more efficiently passivated with hydrogen than the interface of wafer
= 6.9
). The CP currents were recorded at a temperature of 50 °C
using a pulsing frequency of 500
and rising/falling slopes of 10
, scanning roughly 500
of the silicon bandgap around midgap.
Figure 7.6: (a) CP currents of the BEOL process split wafers (diamonds) and
(triangles). Due to the higher hydrogen
concentration within the gate oxide, wafer
has a more efficiently passivated interface
and a lower CP signal than wafer
. (b) TOFSIMS images of wafers
. By modifying the titanium layer thick-
ness, the hydrogen budget within the post metal dielectric (PMD), the gate-poly and within the gate oxide (GOX) can be controlled. Wafer
has a thinner Ti layer than wafer
and hence a higher hydrogen concentra-
tion within the layers below, in particular, within the GOX.
The characterization procedure following NBTS (200 °C; 7.0) for a defined stress time (
) is illustrated in Fig. 7.7 (a). By making use of the in-situ polyheater technique, the recovery phase can be performed at a much lower characterization
temperature of 50 °C which decelerates thermodynamical recovery mechanisms and improves the charge pumping measurement resolution (degradation quenching).
After stress, the characterization procedure is initiated by a 1,000 lasting recovery phase at -2.0
). The relative amount of
recovery during t
between the first measured point after
removal of the stress bias (40
post stress) and the last measured point (1,000
post stress) is denoted as the time dependent recovery contribution
Subsequently to t
, the gate bias is ramped down in
steps from strong inversion (-2.0
) toward depletion (0.0
) (S
). In parallel, the
shift is monitored as a function of the gate bias.
One full gate bias ramp takes approximately 10
. Approaching depletion, the Fermi level moves from the valance band
edge toward the conduction band edge, thereby gradually changing the ratio of free holes and electrons at the interface. After staying for 10
at 0.0
), the gate bias is ramped back to
). The difference in the
shift recorded at -2.0
at the beginning of S
and at the end of S
is denoted as the bias-dependent recovery
contribution (
). After the
first ramp down-up cycle, the maximum CP current is recorded for 10
by pulsing the gate junction between strong inversion (-2.0
) and accumulation (+1.0
) at a frequency of 500
). In the analysis, the maximum CP
signal is converted into an interface state dependent threshold voltage shift (
) by assuming an
amphoteric nature of interface traps [89] and a flat density of state profile [37], cf. Subsection 2.2.2. After the CP
cycle, a short 10
lasting constant gate bias phase at -2.0
) is performed followed by a second
down-up ramp (S
; t
; S
). This basic MSM procedure is repeated
six times on both devices of the wafer split with increasing stress times
Figure 7.7: (a) Basic MSM procedure used for degradation and recovery analysis. During stress, the polyheater tool is used to generate an elevated stress temperature of 200 °C.
During recovery, gate bias sweeps and CP measurements are performed in order to monitor time and bias dependent recovery and interface state creation.
(b) The individual
shifts recorded at 50 °C
after six subsequent stress runs (1/10/100/1,000/10,000/100,000
): (b) wafer
; (c) wafer
. The time dependent
recovery (
) is recored at
a constant gate bias of -2.0
directly post stress for 1,000
). The bias dependent
recovery component (
) is the differ-
ence in the
shift between S
and S
recorded at -2.0
. After S
, the maximum CP current is recorded for
) and changes in
are converted into cor-
responding interface state dependent
shifts (
). After gate puls-
ing, the remaining
shift is considered to be quasi-permanent
) since it is con-
stant and independent of time and bias within the scope of the experiment, cf. t
, S
and S
in (b) and (c).
The shifts measured during the different stages of
the experiment are illustrated for wafer
(thin Ti/high H) in Fig. 7.7 (b) and for wafer
(thick Ti/low H) in Fig. 7.7 (c). Shown are six curves corresponding to the six subsequent stress runs. In Fig. 7.8, the individual
shifts are depicted separately for both wafers as
a function of the stress time.
Figure 7.8: The individual shifts depicted for both wafers as a func-
tion of stress time: (a1)
; (a2)
; (b1)
and (b2)
show a log-like
evolution with stress time and their contribution is similar for both split wafers.
follow a power-
law-like evolution with stress time and scale by a factor 3. The weakly passivated wafer
provides considerably lower interface and
quasi-permanent damage than the well passivated wafer
. Furthermore, the well passivated wafer
provides larger power-law exponents (
= 0.30;
= 0.29) than the weakly
passivated wafer
= 0.23;
= 0.22).
The following characteristics are obtained: (i) within the initial 1,000 constant bias phase in strong inversion (-2.0
), a similar amount of time dependent recovery (
) is obtained
for both H-levels, cf. Fig. 7.8 (a1); (ii) the total
shift decreases during S
and increases during S
, cf. Fig. 7.7 (b) and (c); (iii) a significant bias dependent reduction in the
shift is observed after S
which is again similar for both H-levels,
cf. Fig. 7.8 (a2); (iv) after the intermediate CP cycle, the remaining degradation level is quasi-permanent and cannot be
reduced further by an additional gate bias ramp toward 0.0
, cf. Fig. 7.7 (b) and (c); (v) The remaining quasi-permanent
shift (
) and the
interface state dependent
shift (
) are much larger
for wafer
than for wafer
, cf. Fig. 7.8 (b1) and (b2); (vi) the interface state dependent
shift is smaller than the quasi-permanent
shift but scales with
by a factor 3;
(vii) The power-law exponents (
) are larger for wafer
than for wafer
causing faster degradation of the well
passivated sample.
These seven findings on the bias and time dependence of the recovery, on interface state creation and on quasi-permanent damage, as a function of the H budget within the gate oxide, represent a comprehensive collection of NBTI characteristics. In the following, the single statements are cross-checked against our microscopic model presented in Fig. 6.27.
(i) Recovery over time is independent of the H-level: This agrees with our model which predicts the recoverable path (path A) to be nearly independent of the hydrogen budget within the gate oxide except for the small fraction of recoverable damage being converted to locked-in oxide charge by hydrogen capture from the interface (path B), cf. Fig. 7.8 (a1).
(ii) The shift depends on the read-out gate bias: This
agrees with our model which suggests that oxide traps and/or interface states may be neutralized and become positively charged again as the Fermi level crosses the silicon bandgap, cf. Subsection 6.3.1.
(iii) Ramping the gate bias toward 0.0 accelerates
recovery, the effect being independent of the
H-level: Agrees with our model which suggests bias dependent neutralization and relaxation of positively charged hydrogen-independent oxide defects.
(iv) The degradation level is quasi-permanent after the first down-up double ramp and the intermediate CP cycle: Our model explains this by the bias-accelerated relaxation of recoverable oxide defects. A large portion of oxide
defects is assumed to be removed after the first double ramp, making the remaining shift appear as quasi-permanent within the
scope of our experiment.
(v) The remaining quasi-permanent shift is much larger for the H-rich wafer: Agrees
with our model considering that the larger quasi-permanent damage of the H-rich wafer
is a logical consequence of its initially
higher Si–H precursor concentration at the interface.
(vi) is smaller but
proportional to
: Provided
that the conversion of the CP signal into an interface state dependent
shift is correct, this statement agrees with our
model which suggests
to be the sum
of locked-in oxide defects and a comparable amount of charged interface states (
). Due to the
simultaneous creation of
via hydrogen
exchange between passivated interface states and
centers, the model suggests a physical 50:50 relation and a strong
correlation between
. The
deviation in the measured factor 3 from the proposed factor 2 (50:50) may be due to different energy distributions of interface and oxide charges, leading to a different electrical responses of both trap types.
(vii) The power-law exponent of quasi-permanent damage depends on the passivation degree of the interface: Consistent with our model considering that a well passivated interface (wafer ) provides a larger amount of weak Si–H
bonds which get broken more readily upon electrical stress.