First and foremost I want to express my deepest appreciation to my supervisor Prof. Tibor Grasser. For me he is an inspiring example for a researcher thoroughly investigating the facts. I would like to thank Tibor for supporting me with patience and advice any time. Furthermore, I am grateful for giving me the freedom to developed our own experimental equipment and to setup our own lab, which I enjoyed every day anew.
I want to thank Prof. Erasmus Langer and Prof. Siegfried Selberherr for providing the excellent working conditions at such a prestigious place. The magnificent support of Manfred Katterbauer and Ewald Haslinger during construction of our own electronic laboratory is gratefully acknowledged. Furthermore, Johann Cervenka has always found time to solve the weirdest IT related problems.
The first years being a PhD student would not have been memorable without my former room mates Paul-Jürgen Wagner, Franz Schanovsky and Wolfgang Gös. It was Paul and Franz who introduced me to the research field of device reliability. Furthermore, a countless number of detailed discussions with Paul on circuit engineering significantly improved my later work. I want to thank Wolfgang for his patience and support during writing of my first publications. Next to Tibor, Gerhard Rzepa, Alexander Grill and Bianka Ullmann provided valuable feedback while suffering as beta-testers of the developed measurement setup. Furthermore, together with Markus Jech and Stanislav Tyaginov, they improved this thesis by carefully correcting it. I want to express special thanks to Gerhard and Alexander for introducing me to the theory of defect modeling and setting up the device simulations.
Without the support of the Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, lead by Prof. Ulrich Schmid, the assembly of the first mechanical prototypes would not have been possible. In that context I am grateful for the support of Franz Prewein. Regarding sample preparation, the assistance of Michael Buchholz, Patrick Meyer and Arthur Jachimowicz is appreciated.
At this point I want to thank Hans Reisinger and Karina Rott (Infineon Munich, Germany), Ben Kaczer, Jacopo Franco and Marko Simicic (IMEC Leuven, Belgium) for our successful cooperation during the last years.
Since the last three years the lunch breaks shared with the “Team Cooking” were a daily highlight. Regular discussions about life beyond our research activities while enjoying varieties of pasta and curry made for a welcome change.
Last but not least I want to express my deepest graduate to my parents Michaela and Ernst. Without their financial and emotional support I would not have been able to study at a technical university. Special thanks go to my sister Magdalena and brother Bernhard, recently pushing ourselves to successfully participate at the Vienna City Marathon. I am deeply grateful to my uncle Manfred Schwanninger, who besides his extraordinary commitment to research, always supported me. Much to my regret Manfred was not allowed to share the finalization of this thesis with us. Finally, I want to thank Elisabeth for her patience and understanding for the numerous hours spent at the Institute.
Symbol | Unit | Description |
1 | Occupancy | |
m | Gate area of pMOSFET | |
m | Gate area of nMOSFET | |
F | Drain-gate capacitance of a MOSFET | |
F | Drain-source capacitance of MOSFET | |
eV/[a.u.] | Curvature of potential energy surface of state 1 | |
eV/[a.u.] | Curvature of potential energy surface of state 2 | |
F | Oxide capacitance | |
cm | Change of the interface charge density | |
cm | Change of the oxide charge density | |
cm | Change of the interface trap density | |
cm | Change of the oxide charge density | |
C | Change of the interface charge | |
C | Change of the oxide charge | |
cm | Interface charge density | |
V | Input voltage range | |
V | Voltage resolution | |
V | Threshold voltage shift | |
1 | Relative permitivity | |
1 | Relative permitivity of | |
F/m | Permitivity of the gate dielectrics | |
eV | NMP barrier for charge capture | |
eV | NMP barrier for charge emission | |
1 | Relative permitivity of silicon | |
1 | Relative permitivity of | |
V | Average step height of defect in large-area transistor | |
V | Average step height of defect in nanoscale transistor | |
eV | Activation energy | |
eV | Activation energy of charge capture | |
eV | Activation energy of charge emission | |
eV | Fermi-level | |
V/m | Electric oxide field | |
V/m | Effective electric oxide field during stress | |
eV | Defect trap level | |
1 | Occupancy of oxide traps | |
Hz | Sampling frequency | |
Hz | Maximum frequency | |
Hz | Maximum sampling frequency | |
S | Transconductance | |
cm | interfacial hydrogen concentration | |
A | Channel conduction current | |
A | Drain current | |
A | Drain current in the linear regime | |
A | Gate current | |
A | Input current | |
A | Maximum current | |
A | Reference current | |
A | Short-circuit current | |
1/s | Transition rate between state 1 and state 2 | |
1/s | Transition rate between state 2 and state 1 | |
1/s | Transition rate between state and state | |
1/s | Hydrogen dimmerization rate | |
1/2 | Hydrogen atomization rate | |
1/s | Reaction-diffusion model forward reaction rate | |
1/s | Reaction-diffusion model backward reaction rate | |
m | MOSFET gate length | |
cm/(Vs) | Effective channel mobility | |
1/s | Attempt frequency | |
1 | Number of emission events | |
cm | Initial interface state density | |
cm | Interface state density | |
1 | Number of measured recovery traces | |
cm | pMOSFET trap density | |
cm | nMOSFET trap density | |
1 | Number of active defects | |
1 | Number of active defects in large-area devices | |
1 | Number of active defects in nanoscale devices | |
cm | Total dopand concentration | |
V | Channel surface potential | |
V | Position dependent potential drop across the gate stack during | |
recovery | ||
V | Position dependent potential drop across the gate stack during | |
stress | ||
V | Permanent component of the threshold voltage shift | |
V | Average permanent threshold voltage shift | |
V | Maximum of the permanent threshold voltage shift | |
V | Minimum of the permanent threshold voltage shift | |
a.u. | Reaction coordinate of state 1 | |
a.u. | Reaction coordinate of state 2 | |
a.u. | Difference between reaction coordinates of state 1 and state 2 | |
a.u. | Difference between reaction coordinates of state 1 and state 2 | |
Reference resistor | ||
V | Variance of the threshold voltage | |
s | Charge capture time | |
s | Charge capture time at low bias | |
s | Charge capture time at high bias | |
s | Charge emission time | |
s | Charge emission time at low bias | |
s | Charge emission time at high bias | |
s | Voltage pulse duration | |
m | Effective oxide thickness | |
s | Signal fall time | |
m | Oxide thickness | |
m | Thickness of layer | |
s | Measurement window | |
s | Duration of voltage pulse | |
m | Thickness of layer | |
s | Signal rise time | |
s | Recovery time | |
s | Maximum recovery time | |
s | Stress time | |
s | Effective stress time | |
m | Thickness of the Si cap layer | |
m | Thickness of the SiGe layer | |
s | Switching time | |
eV | Energy barrier height | |
eV | Energy level of state 1 | |
eV | Energy level of state 2 | |
eV | Energy difference between state 1 and state 2 | |
eV | Energy difference between state 2 and state 1 | |
V | Bulk voltage | |
V | Nominal operation voltage | |
V | Drain voltage | |
V | Drain voltage of MOSFETs which are not accessed | |
V | Drain recovery voltage | |
V | Drain stress voltage | |
V | Gate voltage of pMOSFETs which are not accessed | |
V | Gate voltage of pMOSFETs which are not accessed | |
V | Gate voltage | |
V | Down sweep of the gate voltage | |
V | Up sweep of the gate voltage | |
V | Gate overdrive voltage | |
V | Gate recovery voltage | |
V | Gate stress voltage | |
V | Input voltage | |
V | Maximum voltage | |
V | Offset voltage | |
V | Output voltage | |
V | Voltage of voltage pulse | |
V | Reference voltage | |
V | Source voltage | |
V | Threshold voltage | |
m | MOSFET gate width | |
m | Trap spatial position | |
Boltzmann’s constant | 1.380 662 × 10−23/(J K) | |||
Elementary charge | 1.602 189 2 × 10−19 C | |||
Vacuum Permitivity | 8.854 187 817 × 10−12 F/m |
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
AER Active Energy Region
aRTN Anomalous Random Telegraph Noise
BCSUM Bootstrapping and Cumulative Sum
BTI Bias Temperature Instabilities
CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function
CCU Current Convert Unit
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function
CET Capture Emission Time
CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
CP Charge Pumping
CSUM Cumulative Sum
CV Capacitance-Voltage
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DAU Data Aquisition Unit
DCIV Direct Current Voltage
DCU Device Connector Unit
DFT Density Functional Theory
DLTS Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
DSO Digital Storage Oscilloscope
DUT Device Under Test
DW Double Well
EOT Effective Oxide Thickness
EPR Electronic Paramagnetic Resonanz
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only-Memories
ESR Electronic Spin Resonanz
FET Field-Effect Transistor
GaN Galiumnitride
HCD Hot Carrier Degradation
HEMT High-Electron-Mobility Transistor
HKMG High-k Metal Gate
HMM Hidden Markov Model
HR Hydrogen Release
LER Line Edge Roughness
MGR Metal Grain Roughness
MOS Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
MOSFET Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor
MOSHEMT Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistor
MPE Multiphonen Emission
MPFAT Multiphonon-Field-Assisted Tunneling
MSM Measure-Stress-Measure
NBTI Negative Bias Temperature Instabilities
NMP Non-Radiative Multiphonon
OPAMP Operational Amplifier
OTF On-the-Fly
PBTI Positive Bias Temperature Instabilities
PDF Probability Distribution Function
PGU Pulse GeneratorUnit
PSU Power Supply Unit
QM Quantum-Mechanical
RD Reaction-Diffusion
RDD Random Discrete Dopand
RTN Random Telegraph Noise
RTS Random Telegraph Signal
SCU Source Converter Unit
SDR Spin Dependent Recombination
SiGe Silicon-Germanium
SILC Stress Induced Leackage Current
SMU Source Measure Unit
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
TAT Trap Assisted Tunneling
TCAD Technology Computer Aided Design
TDDS Time-Dependent Defect Spectroscopy
TMI Time-Dependent Defect Spectroscopy Measurement Instrument
UFSP Ultra Fast Single-Pulse
UPS Uninteruptable Power Supply
VU Voltage Unit
VLSI Very Large Scale Integrated