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13.2 Results of Voltage Sweep Technique

Next, the impact of stress/recovery time and gate bias range of the (math image) sweeps on the permanent (math image) is studied using large-area transistors. Afterwards, the proposed method is applied to nanoscale pMOSFETs.

13.2.1 Large-Area Transistors

As mentioned before, whether a defect contributes to (math image) or not depends on whether its transition times are “small” or “large”. Considering a pMOSFET used in complex circuits with cycled on and off times, the question arises how the stress and recovery times impact (math image). Figure 13.4 shows the behavior of (math image) extracted from our measurements performed with different duty cycles of \( \tStress /\tRead     \) on a large-area (math image) pMOSFET (\( W=L=\SI {10}{\micro \meter } \)).


Figure 13.4:  (math image) is evaluated for different stress/recovery times on a large-area pMOSFET. As shown, (math image) appears independent of \( \tStress /\tRead    \). After experiment #1 the device is baked at \( \SI {350}{\celsius } \). Afterwards, i.e. experiment #2, the same stress/recovery cycles have been applied. Although a slightly smaller (math image) is observed the behavior is found to be consistent. Additionally, using a simple power law would lead to overestimated (math image) at stress times \( <\SI {10}{\kilo \second } \) and thus does not provide a reliable description of (math image) [MWC7].

As can be seen, the measured (math image) appears to be independent of the duty cycle of the selected stress and recovery times. This trend would not be visible if only recovery traces are used to study (math image), as the full threshold voltage shift strongly depends on the stress and recovery time. In contrast, a notable impact on (math image) is observed at different gate voltage ranges used for the (math image) measurement, see Figure 13.5.


Figure 13.5:  A significant impact on (math image) is observed for different gate voltage ranges used for the (math image) sweeps. For a narrower voltage range a larger remaining (math image) is observed. The larger (math image) gets (depletion/accumulation) the smaller (math image) becomes [MWC7].

The more the gate bias is increased, that means. the more the pMOSFET operates in depletion and accumulation, the smaller (math image) gets. This is a consequence of the large amount of charge which is removed during accumulation.

13.2.2 Nanoscale Transistors

In agreement to TDDS investigations using nanoscale transistors, discrete charge capture and emission events are clearly visible in the (math image) sweeps. These discrete steps allow a clear identification of single defects, see Figure 13.6.

(image) (image)

Figure 13.6:  The (math image) sweeps show discrete emission events produced from single defects. The number inside the arrows give the index and the arrows the direction of the sweep. (left) A very slow switching trap is visible which has been created during stress. (right) In general several traps can be clearly seen during the sweeps [MWC7].

Among the studied defects various types where found consistent with fixed oxide traps and switching traps. Due to our experimental limit the lowest accessible trap level was approximately \( \SI {230}{\milli \volt } \) below the Fermi-level. However, interface states are located around \( \SI {250}{\milli \volt } \). Thus no interface state could not be clearly detected. To overcome this limitation, the current measurement resolution of the TMI is enhanced for further investigations.

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