Dissertation Enzo Ungersboeck
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
1. Introduction
2. Strain Engineering
2.1 Global Strain Techniques
2.2 Local Strain Techniques
2.2.1 Contact Etch Stop Liner Technique
2.2.2 Stress Memorization
2.2.3 Selective Epitaxial Growth Technique
2.2.4 Stress from Shallow Trench Isolation
2.3 Strain Technologies used in High Volume Production
2.3.1 Hybrid Orientation Technology
3. Strain Effects on the Bulk Band Structure
3.1 Strain
3.2 Stress
3.3 Stress-Strain Relations
3.3.1 The Miller Index Notation
3.3.2 Strain Resulting from Uniaxial Stress
3.3.3 Strain Resulting from Epitaxy
3.4 Basic Properties of the Diamond Structure
3.4.1 Band Structure of Relaxed Si
3.5 Effect of Strain on Crystals with Diamond Structure
3.5.1 Hierarchy of systems
3.5.2 symmetry
3.5.3 symmetry
3.5.4 symmetry
3.5.5 symmetry
3.5.6 symmetry
3.5.7 symmetry
3.6 Linear Deformation Potential Theory
3.6.1 Strain-Induced Conduction Band Splitting
3.6.2 Strain-Induced Lifting of Degeneracy at X point
3.6.3 Strain-Induced Valence Band Splitting
3.7 The kp method
3.7.1 Effective Electron Mass in Unstrained Si
3.7.2 Strain Effect on the Si Conduction Band Minimum
3.8 Empirical Pseudopotential Theory for Arbitrary Strain
3.8.1 The Empirical Pseudopotential Method
3.8.2 Inclusion of Strain
4. Quantum Confinement and Subband Structure
4.1 Electron Confinement at the Semiconductor-Oxide Interface
4.1.1 The Si-SiO Interface
4.1.2 Substrate Orientation (001)
4.1.3 Substrate Orientation (110)
4.1.4 Substrate Orientation (111)
4.2 Strain Effects
4.2.1 Substrate Orientation (001)
4.2.2 Substrate Orientation (110)
4.2.3 Substrate Orientation (111)
5. Physical Mobility Modeling
5.1 Mobility
5.2 Validity of the Boltzmann Transport Equation
5.3 The Monte Carlo Method
5.3.1 Bulk Scattering Mechanisms
5.3.2 Scattering Mechanisms in the 2DEG
5.3.3 Coupling to the Schrödinger Poisson Solver
5.4 MC Algorithm Including Degeneracy Effects
6. Simulation Results
6.1 Bandstructure Calculations
6.1.1 Strain-Induced Shift of the Conduction Band Minimum
6.1.2 Strain-Induced Change of the Shape of the Conduction Band Edge
6.1.3 Subband Structure
6.2 Bulk Electron Mobility of Strained Si
6.3 Electron Inversion Layer Mobility of Strained Si
6.3.1 Channel Mobility in UTB MOSFETs for (001) and (110) Substrates
6.3.2 Degeneracy Effects on Inversion Layer Mobility
7. Summary and Conclusions
Own Publications
Dissertation Enzo Ungersboeck
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
E. Ungersboeck: Advanced Modelling Aspects of Modern Strained CMOS Technology